Welcome to Pearl River County Library System’s Picayune Item Blog! Here, library staff highlights memorable articles and provides commentary for various Picayune Item articles throughout the years. Just use the navigation menu to the left of the webpage to cycle through blog posts by month and year.
Howdy! As a Library Team Member digitizing the Picayune Item, I have come across some interesting/historical old newspaper articles that I would like to share periodically with you. As I go forward with this task, I hope they stimulate your interest in our historical information and events.
Looking back, Picayune celebrated its first Octoberfest in October 1985. The story was published in the Picayune Item Newspaper_ Sunday October 13, 1985. Picayune had a beautiful day that Saturday at Friendship Park. The weather was sunny & bright as the crowd came to the park to enjoy the festivities. There was music, a beauty contest, crafts, and a lot of good food and drinks.
The Picayune Fire & Police Departments staged their annual charity baseball game to aid the United Way. Other entertainment included: dancers, ventriloquist, a model airplane demonstration, gospel singers, and the ugly car-truck contest. The children enjoyed the festival more than anyone else, especially the space walk. For adults, watching the children and visiting with each other may have been as much fun as anything. After all, one of the best things about a festival in a small town is the opportunity to visit neighbors and friends you haven’t seen in a while.
In 1995, the first Picayune Street Festival was started and remains successful to date. The festival is held twice a year. The usual times are set for the first weekend in April and the first weekend in November. Picayune and the surrounding areas always look forward to all the anticipated activities and great fun that has been enjoyed and continues over the many years.
Hope to see you there!
Microfilm/Digital Document Coordinator